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How to split up a formatted source string into substrings and integers Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Object Pascal-Strings
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How to split up a formatted source string into substrings and integers


function Unformat(const source, pattern: string; const args: array of const): 

{The opposite of Format, Unformat splits up a formatted source string into 
substrings and Integers.
It is an alternative to parsing when the format is known to be fixed.  The pattern 
parameter contains the format string, which is a combination of plain characters 
and format specifiers.

The following specifiers are supported:

%s   indicates that a string value is required
%d   indicates that an integer value is required
%S   indicates that a string value should be ignored
%D   indicates that an integer value should be ignored

Unformat compares the source with the pattern, and plain characters  that do not 
match will raise an EConvertError. When a format specifier is encountered in the 
pattern, an argument is fetched and used to store the result that is obtained from 
the source. Then the comparison continues.

For each %s, the args list must contain a pointer to a string variable, followed by 
an integer specifying the maximum length of the string. For each %d, the args list 
must contain a pointer to an integer variable.

When the end of the source string is reached, the function returns without 
modifying the remaining arguments, so you might wish to initialize your variables 
to "default" values before the function call.

Unformat returns the number of values it has extracted.


1     var
2       s1, s2: string[31];
3       i: Integer;
5     Unformat('[abc]123(def)', '[%s]%d(%s)', [@s1, 31, @i, @s2, 31]);
6       (* s1 = 'abc', i = 123, s2 = 'def' *)
8     Unformat('Hello, Universe!!!', '%s, %s%d', [@s1, 31, @s2, 31, @i]);
9       (* s1 = 'Hello', s2 = 'Universe!!!', i is untouched *)
11    Unformat('How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...',
12             '%S %S %s could a %S %s...', [@s1, 31, @s2, 31]);
13      (* s1 = 'wood', s2 = 'chuck' *)
14  }
16    function Min(a, b: Integer): Integer; assembler;
18      { use AX for 16-bit, EAX for 32-bit }
19    asm
20        MOV     EAX,a
21        CMP     EAX,b
22        JLE       @@1
23        MOV     EAX,b
24        @@1:
25    end;
27  var
28    i, j, argindex, start, finish, maxlen: Integer;
29    c: Char;
30  begin
31    Result := 0;
32    argindex := 0;
33    i := 1;
34    j := 1;
35    while (i < Length(pattern)) and (j <= Length(source)) do
36    begin
37      if pattern[i] = '%' then
38        case pattern[i + 1] of
39          'D':
40            begin
41              Inc(i, 2);
42              while (j <= Length(source)) and ((source[j] in Digits) or (source[j] =
43                '-')) do
44                Inc(j);
45              Inc(Result);
46            end;
47          'S':
48            begin
49              Inc(i, 2);
50              if i > Length(pattern) then
51                break
52              else
53              begin
54                c := pattern[i];
55                while (j <= Length(source)) and (source[j] <> c) do
56                  Inc(j);
57              end;
58              Inc(Result);
59            end;
60          'd':
61            begin
62              if argindex > High(args) then
63                raise EConvertError.Create('Not enough arguments');
64              Inc(i, 2);
65              start := j;
66              while (j <= Length(source)) and ((source[j] in Digits) or (source[j] =
67                '-')) do
68                Inc(j);
69              finish := j;
70              if finish > start then
71                PInteger(args[argindex].VPointer)^ := StrToInt(Copy(source, start,
72  							 finish - start));
73              Inc(argindex);
74              Inc(Result);
75            end;
76          's':
77            begin
78              if argindex > High(args) - 1 then
79                raise EConvertError.Create('Not enough arguments');
80              if args[argindex + 1].VType <> vtInteger then
81                raise EConvertError.Create('No string size specified');
82              maxlen := args[argindex + 1].VInteger;
83              Inc(i, 2);
84              if i > Length(pattern) then
85              begin
86                args[argindex].VString^ := Copy(source, j, Min(Length(source) + 1 - j,
87                  maxlen));
88                Inc(argindex);
89                break;
90              end
91              else
92              begin
93                c := pattern[i];
94                start := j;
95                while (j <= Length(source)) and (source[j] <> c) do
96                  Inc(j);
97                finish := j;
98                args[argindex].VString^ := Copy(source, start, Min(finish - start,
99                  maxlen));
100               Inc(argindex, 2);
101             end;
102             Inc(Result);
103           end;
104       else
105         Inc(i);
106       end
107     else
108       {if pattern[i] <> source[j] then
109         raise EConvertError.Create('Pattern mismatch')
110       else}
111     begin
112       Inc(i);
113       Inc(j);
114     end;
115   end;
116 end;

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