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Making a reliable drawing procedure (No painting, but random numbers!) Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Martin Strand

This is very simple, you say: Use a set to store drawn fields! 
Yes, you can do if you don't have to many fields to draw. If you pull out more than 
255 fields - then the set will say: No more room here! What will you do now? 
(And for you who know-how to use arrays to such tasks, don’t read further. I doubt 
I can tell you any new)


I’m not going to make a whole program for you – that’s quite easy, so you manage 
that yourself. 

(Note that the routine is translated from Norwegian – some “funny” names can 

The datatype required: 
TDrawList = array of ShortString;

We make a dynamic array to make the procedure just that – dynamic. This makes the 
procedure work just as well with ten records as with ten thousand records. (Not 
tried – only a theory!) I’m using ShortString, but of course, you can use other 
datatypes, just remember to change down at the TempDrawList too. 

The function-head – the variables: (The name “Draw” was occupied.) 
2   function Drawing(ARecordCount: Integer; ARecords: TDrawList; ADrawCount: Integer):
3     TDrawList;
5   var
6     I, Nr: Integer;
7     TempDrawList: array of record
8       Value: ShortString;
9       CanBeDrawn: Boolean;
10    end;

ARecordCount: This is the number of records in… 
ARecords: This is, as you may understand, all those who CAN be pulled out. 
ADrawCount: The number of lucky guys. 
I (the variable) are only used in For-statements, while Nr are given a value by the 
Random function. 
TempDrawList: The “set”. This dynamic array knows who’s pulled out and who’s not, 
stored in the CanBeDrawn field. 

The preparations: 

11  SetLength(TempDrawList, ARecordCount);
12  SetLength(ARecords, ARecordCount);
13  SetLength(Result, ADrawCount);
14  for I := 0 to ARecordCount - 1 do // (1 to x = 0 to x-1, and we need to start with 
15  0)
16  begin
17    TempDrawList[I].Value := ARecords[I];
18      // Loading the records from the argument to the variable.
19    TempDrawList[I].CanBeDrawn := True; // Making sure that all records can be drawn.
20  end;
21  Randomize;

First, I allocate place in the memory for the arrays. I do not intend to explain 
the SetLength procedure. If you need help, consult the Delphi help file. 

The next five lines are preparing the TempDrawList for the rest of the procedure, 
by loading in the records from the argument and setting all “CanBeDrawn”-s to 
“True”. (The name CanBeDrawn should really be self-explaining!) 

At last, I call Randomize. Now the fun begins! 

The rest: 
23  for I := 0 to ADrawCount - 1 do // You know what I just wrote: 1 to x = 0 to x-1!
24  begin
25    repeat
26      Nr := Random(ARecordCount);
27    until TempDrawList[Nr].CanBeDrawn = True;
28    Result[I] := TempDrawList[Nr].Value;
29    TempDrawList[Nr].CanBeDrawn := False;
30  end;

To explain step for step: 
ADrawCount times do this: 
Draw a random number from 0 to AReocordCount, and draw until the CanBeDrawn field 
in the TempDrawList at [Nr] is True. 
Then, put the Value in the TempDrawList[Nr] in Result[I]. Result is a TDrawList, 
prepared above. “I” is the For counter. (And Nr is a random number, not pulled out 
The last thing to do is to make sure that it cannot be drawn again. 

31  TempDrawList[Nr].CanBeDrawn := False. 
32  end; 

That’s it. Easy, isn’t it? 
(Yes, you’ll say. Easy enough, but… how do I USE this function?) 

Using this function: 

There are two ways to use it: To make a random list, or to make a random selection 
from a list: 

program UseFunction;
36  uses
37    SysUtils;
39  type
40    TDrawList = array of ShortString;
42  var
43    Selection, TheList: TDrawList;
44    I: Integer;
46  function Drawing(ARecordCount: Integer; ARecords: TDrawList; ADrawCount: Integer):
47    TDrawList; // The complete function, though without comments.
49  var
50    I, Nr: Integer;
51    TempDrawList: array of record
52      Value: ShortString;
53      CanBeDrawn: Boolean;
54    end;
56  begin
57    SetLength(TempDrawList, ARecordCount);
58    SetLength(ARecords, ARecordCount);
59    SetLength(Result, ADrawCount);
60    for I := 0 to ARecordCount - 1 do
61    begin
62      TempDrawList[I].Value := ARecords[I];
63      TempDrawList[I].CanBeDrawn := True;
64    end;
65    Randomize;
66    for I := 0 to ADrawCount - 1 do
67    begin
68      repeat
69        Nr := Random(ARecordCount);
70      until TempDrawList[Nr].CanBeDrawn = True;
71      Result[I] := TempDrawList[Nr].Value;
72      TempDrawList[Nr].CanBeDrawn := False;
73    end;
74  end;
76  begin
77    SetLength(Selection, 3);
78    SetLength(TheList, 5);
79    for I := 0 to High(TheList) do
80      TheList[I] := IntToStr(I);
81    Selection := Drawing(Length(TheList), TheList, (Length(Selection));
82      for I := 0 to High(Selection) do
83        WriteLn(IntToStr(Selection[I]));
84      ReadLn;
85  end.
87  //If you change it to this: 
89  SetLength(Selection, 5);

 then the result will be a resorted (?) list.

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