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How can I calculate a checksum by modulus 10 which is used in barcodes Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Mike Shkolnik

How can I calculate a checksum by modulus 10 which is used in barcodes?


Solve 1:

I want to publish a code for checksum calculation by modulus 10 which is used in 
the barcodes. I must say that this "mod10" is specifical so readf an article if 
you're interested. 

This algorithm is very popular for UPC barcodes (Universal Product Code), hash code 
or serial number generation for applications etc... 

The basic algorithm: 

add the values of the digits in the odd positions (1, 3, 5...) 
multiply this result by 3 
add the values of the digits in the even positions (2, 4, 6...) 
sum the results of steps 2 and 3 
the check digit is the smallest number which, when added to the result in step 4, 
produces a multiple of 10. 

Small example. Assume the source data is 08137919805 

95+??=100 where ?? is a 5 (our checksum) 

My implementation in the Pascal: 

1   function Mod10(const Value: string): Integer;
2   var
3     i, intOdd, intEven: Integer;
4   begin
5     {add all odd seq numbers}
6     intOdd := 0;
7     i := 1;
8     while (i <= Length(Value)) do
9     begin
10      Inc(intOdd, StrToIntDef(Value[i], 0));
11      Inc(i, 2);
12    end;
14    {add all even seq numbers}
15    intEven := 0;
16    i := 2;
17    while (i <= Length(Value)) do
18    begin
19      Inc(intEven, StrToIntDef(Value[i], 0));
20      Inc(i, 2);
21    end;
23    Result := 3 * intOdd + intEven;
24    {modulus by 10 to get}
25    Result := Result mod 10;
26    if Result <> 0 then
27      Result := 10 - Result
28  end;

You can expand or optimize this algorithm for own needs. 

For example, I modified it and now I use it for any characters (not only digits) in 
source value. 

The original algorithm I used for UPC-barcode validation in the SMReport Designer 
and the my extended algorithm I use in the serial number generation as part of the 
protection schema (in the shareware projects). 

Solve 2:

29  function BarCodeValid(ACode: string): boolean;
30  var
31    I: integer;
32    SumOdd, SumEven: integer;
33    ADigit, AChecksumDigit: integer;
34  begin
35    SumOdd := 0;
36    SumEven := 0;
37    for I := 1 to (Length(ACode) - 1) do
38    begin
39      ADigit := StrToIntDef(ACode[I], 0);
40      if (I mod 2 = 0) then
41      begin
42        SumEven := SumEven + ADigit;
43      end
44      else
45      begin
46        SumOdd := SumOdd + ADigit;
47      end; {if}
48    end; {for}
49    AChecksumDigit := StrToIntDef(ACode[Length(ACode)], 0);
50    Result := ((SumOdd * 3 + SumEven + AChecksumDigit) mod 10 = 0);
51  end; {--BarCodeValid--}

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