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How to retrieve the version stamp of a file Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How do you retrieve the version stamp of a file? I'm getting real tired of setting 
versions in the Delphi Project | Options dialog box and then defining a (redundant) 
constant for use in my Help | About boxes !


Solve 1:

1   procedure TfrmSplash.GetBuildInfo(var v1, v2, v3, v4: Word);
2   var
3     VerInfoSize: DWord;
4     VerInfo: Pointer;
5     VerValueSize: DWord;
6     VerValue: PVSFixedFileInfo;
7     Dummy: DWord;
8   begin
9     VerInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(Application.ExeName), dummy);
10    GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
11    GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(Application.ExeName), 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo);
12    VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
13    with VerValue^ do
14    begin
15      v1 := dwFileVersionMS shr 16;
16      v2 := dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF;
17      v3 := dwFileVersionLS shr 16;
18      v4 := dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF;
19    end;
20    FreeMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
21  end;
23  function TfrmSplash.GetBuildInfoString: string;
24  var
25    v1, v2, v3, v4: Word;
26  begin
27    GetBuildInfo(v1, v2, v3, v4);
28    Result := Format('%d.%d.%d  (Build %d)', [v1, v2, v3, v4]);
29  end;

Solve 2:

This function should do it.

30  uses
31    Windows, SysUtils, { ... };
33  function GetFileVersion(const Filename: string): string;
34  var
35    VerInfSize, Sz: Cardinal;
36    VerInfo: Pointer;
37    FxFileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo;
39    function MSLSToString(MS, LS: DWORD): string;
40    begin
41      Result := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [MS shr 16, MS and $FFFF, LS shr 16, LS and
42        $FFFF]);
43    end;
45  begin
46    Result := '';
47    if FileExists(Filename) then
48    begin
49      VerInfSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PCHAR(Filename), Sz);
50      if VerInfSize > 0 then
51      begin
52        VerInfo := Allocmem(VerInfSize);
53        try
54          GetFileVersionInfo(PCHAR(Filename), 0, VerInfSize, VerInfo);
55          VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\\', POINTER(FxFileInfo), Sz);
56          if Sz > 0 then
57            Result := MSLSToString(FxFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS,
58              FxFileInfo^.dwFileVersionLS);
59        finally
60          FreeMem(VerInfo);
61        end;
62      end;
63    end;
64  end;

Solve 3:

65  type
66    TFileVersionInfo = record
67      fCompanyName,
68        fFileDescription,
69        fFileVersion,
70        fInternalName,
71        fLegalCopyRight,
72        fLegalTradeMark,
73        fOriginalFileName,
74        fProductName,
75        fProductVersion,
76        fComments: string;
77    end;
79  var
80    FileVersionInfo: TFileVersionInfo
82  procedure GetAllFileVersionInfo(FileName: string);
83  { proc to get all version info from a file. }
84  var
85    Buf: PChar;
86    fInfoSize: DWord;
88    procedure InitVersion;
89    var
90      FileNamePtr: PChar;
91    begin
92      with FileVersionInfo do
93      begin
94        FileNamePtr := PChar(FileName);
95        fInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(FileNamePtr, fInfoSize);
96        if fInfoSize > 0 then
97        begin
98          ReAllocMem(Buf, fInfoSize);
99          GetFileVersionInfo(FileNamePtr, 0, fInfoSize, Buf);
100       end;
101     end;
102   end;
104   function GetVersion(What: string): string;
105   var
106     tmpVersion: string;
107     Len: Dword;
108     Value: PChar;
109   begin
110     Result := 'Not defined';
111     if fInfoSize > 0 then
112     begin
113       SetLength(tmpVersion, 200);
114       Value := @tmpVersion;
115       { If you are not using an English OS, then replace the language and
116 			codepage identifier with the correct one. English (U.S.) is 0409 (language) 
117 			and 04E4 (codepage). See CodePage Identifiers and Language Identifiers in 
118 			the Win32 help file for info. }
119       if VerQueryValue(Buf, PChar('StringFileInfo\040904E4\' + What), 
120 Pointer(Value),
121         Len) then
122         Result := Value;
123     end;
124   end;
126 begin
127   Buf := nil;
128   with FileVersionInfo do
129   begin
130     InitVersion;
131     fCompanyName := GetVersion('CompanyName');
132     fFileDescription := GetVersion('FileDescription');
133     fFileVersion := GetVersion('FileVersion');
134     fInternalName := GetVersion('InternalName');
135     fLegalCopyRight := GetVersion('LegalCopyRight');
136     fLegalTradeMark := GetVersion('LegalTradeMark');
137     fOriginalFileName := GetVersion('OriginalFileName');
138     fProductName := GetVersion('ProductName');
139     fProductVersion := GetVersion('ProductVersion');
140     fComments := GetVersion('Comments');
141   end;
142   if Buf <> nil then
143     FreeMem(Buf);
144 end;
146 //To use it just call it like
148 GetAllFileVersionInfo(ParamStr(0));

Solve 4:

Call GetVersionDetails and specify the filename.

149 { ... }
151 type
152   pTransArrar = ^TTransArrar;
153   TTransArrar = record
154     wLanugageID: Word;
155     wCharacterSet: Word;
156   end;
158 function DecodeTranslationInfo(Buffer: TTransArrar): string;
159 begin
160   Result := IntToHex(Buffer.wLanugageID, 4) + IntToHex(Buffer.wCharacterSet, 4);
161 end;
163 function GetVersionDetails(Filename: string; const LookupString: string =
164   'FileVersion'): string;
165 var
166   ID: DWord;
167   iStructSize: DWord;
168   p: PChar;
169   pbuf: Pointer;
170   plen: DWord;
171   ResponseString: string;
172 begin
173   {get the size of the fileinfo structure}
174   iStructSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(Filename), ID);
175   {allocate memory to hold file info data structure}
176   p := stralloc(iStructSize);
177   {retrieve file version details}
178   ResponseString := '';
179   if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(Filename), 0, istructSize, p) then
180   begin
181     if VerQueryValue(p, pchar('\VarFileInfo\Translation'), pbuf, plen) then
182     begin
183       if VerQueryValue(p, pchar('\StringFileInfo\' +
184         DecodeTranslationInfo(pTransArrar(pbuf)^)
185         + '\' + LookupString), pbuf, plen) then
186         ResponseString := PChar(pbuf);
187     end;
188   end;
189   strdispose(p);
190   Result := ResponseString;
191 end;

Solve 5:

This functions returns the version as a string.
193 function GetFileVersion(FileName: string): string;
194 var
195   ResourceSize: Integer;
196   ResourceBuffer: PChar;
197   GetData: Boolean;
198   Ignore: THandle;
199   InfoPtr: Pointer;
200   VerSize: Cardinal;
202   Major, Minor, Rleas, Build, Hex: string;
203 begin
204   ResourceSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Ignore);
205   if ResourceSize > 0 then
206   begin
207     {You need to allocate the ResourceBuffer before you can fillchar it}
208     GetMem(ResourceBuffer, ResourceSize);
209     GetData := GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), Ignore, ResourceSize,
210       ResourceBuffer);
211     if GetData then
212     begin
213       GetData := VerQueryValue(ResourceBuffer, '\', InfoPtr, VerSize);
214       if GetData then
215       begin
216         Move(InfoPtr^, FileInfo, sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO));
217         Hex := IntToHex(FileInfo.dwFileVersionMS, 8) +
218           IntToHex(FileInfo.dwFileVersionLS, 8);
219         Major := '$' + Copy(Hex, 1, 4);
220         Minor := '$' + Copy(Hex, 5, 4);
221         Rleas := '$' + Copy(Hex, 9, 4);
222         Build := '$' + Copy(Hex, 13, 4);
223         Result := IntToStr(StrToInt(Major)) + '.' + IntToStr(StrToInt(Minor)) + '.'
224           + IntToStr(StrToInt(Rleas)) + '.' + IntToStr(StrToInt(Build));
225       end
226       else
227       begin
228         Result := '';
229       end;
230     end
231     else
232     begin
233       Result := '';
234     end;
235     {need this because you allocated it up above}
236     FreeMem(ResourceBuffer);
237   end
238   else
239   begin
240     Result := '';
241   end;
242 end;

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