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How to do a backward search in a TRichEdit Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How to do a backward search in a TRichEdit


Solve 1:

This is how to find text searching backwards:
2   function FindPreviousInstanceOfSubstring(substr, S: string; startAt: Integer):
3     Integer;
4   var
5     i: Integer;
6     ch: Char;
7   begin
8     ch := substr[1];
9     i := startAt;
10    Result := 0; {assume we fail}
11    while i >= 1 do
12    begin
13      if S[i] = ch then
14      begin
15        if AnsiCompareStr(substr, Copy(S, i, Length(substr))) = 0 then
16        begin
17          {found an instance}
18          Result := i;
19          Break;
20        end;
21      end;
22      Dec(i);
23    end;
24  end;
26  procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
27  begin
28    richedit1.selstart := FindPreviousInstanceOfSubstring
29      (edit1.text, richedit1.text, richedit1.gettextlen) - 1;
30    richedit1.sellength := Length(edit1.text);
31  end;

Solve 2:

32  {Function FindTextBackwards
34  Parameters:
35  findWhat: text to find
36  inString: string to find it in
37  startAt : character index to start at (1-based)
38  caseSensitive: determines whether search is case-sensitive
39  words: if true the characters immediately surrounding a found location must not be 
40  alphanumeric
42  Returns: character index (1-based) of first character of a found location, or 0,
43  if the text was not found.
45  Description:
46  Performs a simple sequential search for a string in a larger string, starting at 
47  the specified
48  position and working towards the start of the string.
50  Error Conditions: none
52  Created: 27.02.99 by P. Below}
54  function FindTextBackwards(findWhat, inString: string; startAt: Integer;
55    caseSensitive, words: Boolean): Integer;
56  var
57    i, patternlen, findpos: Integer;
58    lastchar, firstchar: Char;
59  begin
60    Result := 0; {assume failure}
61    patternlen := Length(findWhat);
62    {Do a few sanity checks on the parameters}
63    if (patternlen = 0) or (startAt < patternlen) or (Length(inString) < patternlen)
64      then
65      Exit;
66    if not caseSensitive then
67    begin
68      {convert both strings to lower case}
69      findWhat := AnsiLowercase(findWhat);
70      inString := AnsiLowercase(inString);
71    end;
72    i := startAt;
73    lastchar := findWhat[patternlen];
74    firstchar := findWhat[1];
75    while (Result = 0) and (i >= patternlen) do
76    begin
77      if inString[i] = lastchar then
78      begin
79        findPos := i - patternlen + 1;
80        if inString[findPos] = firstchar then
81        begin
82          {We have a candidate. Compare the substring of length patternlen 
83  				starting at findPos with findWhat. 
84  				With AnsiStrLComp we can do that without having to copy the substring to
85          a temp string first.}
86          if AnsiStrLComp(@findWhat[1], @inString[findPos], patternlen) = 0 then
87          begin
88            {We have a match!}
89            Result := findPos;
90            if words then
91            begin
92              {Check the characters surrounding the hit. 
93  						For the hit to constitute a word they must not be alphanumeric.}
94              if (findPos > 1) and IsCharAlphanumeric(inString[findPos - 1]) then
95              begin
96                {Not a match after all}
97                Result := 0;
98              end
99              else
100             begin
101               if (i < Length(inString)) and IsCharAlphanumeric(inString[i + 1]) then
102               begin
103                 {Not a match after all}
104                 Result := 0;
105               end;
106             end;
107           end;
108         end;
109       end;
110     end;
111     Dec(i);
112   end;
113 end;
115 //Here's how to use it:
117 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
118 var
119   findPos: Integer;
120 begin
121   findPos := FindTextBackwards(findEdit.Text, richedit1.Text, richedit1.selstart + 
122 1,
123     caseCheckbox.checked, wordsCheckbox.checked);
124   if findPos > 0 then
125   begin
126     with richedit1 do
127     begin
128       selstart := findPos - 1;
129       sellength := findEdit.GetTextLen;
130       perform(em_scrollcaret, 0, 0);
131       setfocus;
132     end;
133   end
134   else
135     showmessage('Text not found');
136 end;

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