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How to print a TRichEdit upside down Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How to print a TRichEdit upside down 


Below are the 4 base orientations, but TXForm (in windows.pas) gives you the 
ability to turn the world to any degree. World transformations are interesting in 
that they raise the prospect of working in code with portrait objects and simply 
turning the world, rather than turning the objects individually to conform to the 
world - which I have been doing up until now.

Note: This does not work for Win9x.

1   { ... }
2   type
3     TWorldOrientation = (woPortrait, woLandscape, woInversePortrait,
4       woInverseLandscape);
6   function GetWorldOrientation(APageRect: TRect; AOrientation: TWorldOrientation):
7     TXForm;
8   begin
9     case AOrientation of
10      woPortrait:
11        begin
12          Result.eM11 := 0;
13          Result.eM12 := 0;
14          Result.eM21 := 0;
15          Result.eM22 := 0;
16          Result.eDX := APageRect.Left;
17          Result.eDY := APageRect.Top;
18        end;
19      woLandscape:
20        begin
21          Result.eM11 := 0;
22          Result.eM12 := -1;
23          Result.eM21 := 1;
24          Result.eM22 := 0;
25          Result.eDX := APageRect.Left;
26          Result.eDY := APageRect.Bottom;
27        end;
28      woInversePortrait:
29        begin
30          Result.eM11 := -1;
31          Result.eM12 := 0;
32          Result.eM21 := 0;
33          Result.eM22 := -1;
34          Result.eDX := APageRect.Right;
35          Result.eDY := APageRect.Bottom;
36        end;
37      woInverseLandscape:
38        begin
39          Result.eM11 := 0;
40          Result.eM12 := 1;
41          Result.eM21 := -1;
42          Result.eM22 := 0;
43          Result.eDX := APageRect.Right;
44          Result.eDY := APageRect.Top;
45        end;
46    end;
47  end;
49  function PrintText(ACanvas: TCanvas; APageRect, APrintRect: TRect; AText: string;
50    ATextFlags:
51    Integer; AOrientation: TWorldOrientation): Boolean;
52  var
53    SaveGM: Integer;
54    SaveXF: TXForm; // unit Windows.pas
55  begin
56    {save graphics mode}
57    SaveGM := Windows.GetGraphicsMode(ACanvas.Handle);
58    {can we do it}
59    Result := Windows.SetGraphicsMode(aCanvas.Handle, GM_ADVANCED) <> 0;
60    if Result then
61    begin
62      {save transform}
63      Windows.GetWorldTransform(ACanvas.Handle, SaveXF);
64      // set orientation
65      Windows.SetWorldTransform(ACanvas.Handle, GetWorldOrientation(APageRect,
66        AOrientation));
67      {move text to page}
68      Windows.DrawText(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(AText), -1, APrintRect, ATextFlags);
69      {restore transform}
70      Windows.SetWorldTransform(ACanvas.Handle, SaveXF);
71      {restore graphics mode}
72      Windows.SetGraphicsMode(aCanvas.Handle, SaveGM);
73    end;
74  end;
76  function PrintRichText(ACanvas: TCanvas; APageRect, APrintRect: TRect; ARichEdit:
77    TRichEdit;
78    APixelsPerInchX, APixelsPerInchY: Integer; AOrientation: TWorldOrientation):
79      Boolean;
80  const
81    RICH_TWIPS = 1440;
82  var
83    SaveGM: Integer;
84    SaveXF: TXForm; {unit Windows.pas}
85    FmtRange: TFormatRange; {unit RichEdit.pas}
86  begin
87    {save graphics mode}
88    SaveGM := Windows.GetGraphicsMode(ACanvas.Handle);
89    {can we do it}
90    Result := Windows.SetGraphicsMode(aCanvas.Handle, GM_ADVANCED) <> 0;
91    if Result then
92    begin
93      {save transform}
94      Windows.GetWorldTransform(ACanvas.Handle, SaveXF);
95      {set orientation}
96      Windows.SetWorldTransform(ACanvas.Handle, GetWorldOrientation(APageRect,
97        AOrientation));
98      {adjust for twips}
99      APrintRect.Left := APrintRect.Left * RICH_TWIPS div APixelsPerInchX;
100     APrintRect.Top := APrintRect.Top * RICH_TWIPS div APixelsPerInchY;
101     APrintRect.Right := APrintRect.Right * RICH_TWIPS div APixelsPerInchX;
102     APrintRect.Bottom := APrintRect.Bottom * RICH_TWIPS div APixelsPerInchY;
103     {move rich text to page}
104     System.FillChar(FmtRange, SizeOf(FmtRange), 0);
105     FmtRange.Hdc := ACanvas.Handle;
106     FmtRange.HdcTarget := ACanvas.Handle;
107     FmtRange.Rc := APrintRect;
108     FmtRange.ChrG.CpMin := 0;
109     FmtRange.ChrG.CpMax := Length(ARichEdit.Text);
110     ARichEdit.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, LongInt(@FmtRange));
111     ARichEdit.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0);
112     {restore transform}
113     Windows.SetWorldTransform(ACanvas.Handle, SaveXF);
114     {restore graphics mode}
115     Windows.SetGraphicsMode(aCanvas.Handle, SaveGM);
116   end;
117 end;
119 Examples:
121 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
122 begin
123   {Apparently you need to initialise before using the first time otherwise the 
124 	canvas doesn't appear to paint properly}
125   Windows.SetGraphicsMode(Self.Canvas.Handle, GM_ADVANCED);
126 end;
128 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
129 var
130   R: TRect;
131 begin
132   R := Rect(20, 20, 200, 200);
133   PrintText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, 'I am portrait', 0, woPortrait);
134   PrintText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, 'I am landscape', 0, woLandscape);
135   PrintText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, 'We are inverse portrait' + #13#10 +
136     'As are we', 0, woInversePortrait);
137   PrintText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, 'We are inverse landscape.' + #13#10 +
138     'Us to', DT_RIGHT, woInverseLandscape);
139 end;
141 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
142 var
143   R: TRect;
144 begin
145   if OpenDialog1.Execute then
146   begin
147     RichEdit1.Lines.LoadFromFile(OPenDialog1.FileName);
148     R := Rect(10, 10, 200, 300);
149     PrintRichText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, RichEdit1, Screen.PixelsPerInch,
150       Screen.PixelsPerInch, woPortrait);
151     PrintRichText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, RichEdit1, Screen.PixelsPerInch,
152       Screen.PixelsPerInch, woLandscape);
153     PrintRichText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, RichEdit1, Screen.PixelsPerInch,
154       Screen.PixelsPerInch, woInverseLandscape);
155     PrintRichText(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect, R, RichEdit1, Screen.PixelsPerInch,
156       Screen.PixelsPerInch, woInversePortrait);
157   end;
158 end;

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