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How to create a Simple checkbox with no caption Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Simple checkbox with no caption 22-May-05
Component Writing
Delphi All Versions
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Crann, Ian
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			1   {
2     For a recent project, I wished to use a checkbox without a caption.  Using the
3     standard TCheckBox control was not suitable as this places the focus round the
4     caption, so I created the TSimpleCheckBox class below.  This may be used as-is
5     or as a basis for a something more sophisticated.
7     Follow the instructions in the Creating Custom Components help file to install
8     this.  Specify the class TSimpleCheckBox as a descendent of TCustomControl and
9     choose the unit file name according to your standards.  You can add this to an
10    existing custom package or create a new one.  To change the palette page where
11    the component is added, change the Register procedure at the end of the code.
13    This code was written and tested with Delphi 7, but it is not specific to this
14    release, and so should work with other releases.
15  }
17  //  Simple checkbox with no caption.
19  interface
21    uses Classes, Controls;
23  //  Simple checkbox with no caption.
24    type TSimpleCheckBox = class (TCustomControl)
25      private
26        iChange  : TNotifyEvent;     //  Value change event.
27        iChecked : boolean;          //  Checkbox state.
28        iEventM  : boolean;          //  Set if mouse event in progress.
29        iEventK  : boolean;          //  Set if keyboard event in progress.
30        procedure mhSetChecked (const pChecked : boolean);
31        function  mhGetSizeHW  () : integer;
32      protected
33        procedure Paint     (); override;
34        procedure DoEnter   (); override;
35        procedure DoExit    (); override;
36        procedure KeyDown   (var pKey    : word;
37                                 pShift  : TShiftState); override;
38        procedure KeyUp     (var pKey    : word;
39                                 pShift  : TShiftState); override;
40        procedure MouseDown (    pButton : TMouseButton;
41                                 pShift  : TShiftState;
42                                 pX      : integer;
43                                 pY      : integer); override;
44        procedure MouseUp   (    pButton : TMouseButton;
45                                 pShift  : TShiftState;
46                                 pX      : integer;
47                                 pY      : integer); override;
48      public
49        constructor Create (pOwner : TComponent); override;
50      published
51        property Checked : boolean
52                 read  iChecked
53                 write mhSetChecked;
54        property OnChange : TNotifyEvent
55                 read  iChange
56                 write iChange;
57    //  Publish inherited properties.  The Height and Width properties are
58    //  only intended to be read.
59        property Action;
60        property Anchors;
61        property Color;
62        property Cursor;
63        property DragCursor;
64        property DragKind;
65        property DragMode;
66        property Enabled;
67        property Height
68                 read mhGetSizeHW;
69        property HelpContext;
70        property HelpKeyword;
71        property HelpType;
72        property Hint;
73        property Left;
74        property Name;
75        property ParentColor;
76        property ParentShowHint;
77        property PopupMenu;
78        property ShowHint;
79        property TabOrder;
80        property TabStop default true;
81        property Top;
82        property Visible;
83        property Width
84                 read mhGetSizeHW;
85        property Tag;
86      //  Publish inherited event properties.
87        property OnClick;
88        property OnContextPopup;
89        property OnDragDrop;
90        property OnDragOver;
91        property OnEndDock;
92        property OnEndDrag;
93        property OnEnter;
94        property OnExit;
95        property OnKeyDown;
96        property OnKeyPress;
97        property OnKeyUp;
98        property OnMouseDown;
99        property OnMouseMove;
100       property OnMouseUp;
101       property OnStartDock;
102       property OnStartDrag;
103     end;
105 //  Component registration procedure.
106   procedure register;
108 implementation
110   uses ExtCtrls, Graphics, Types, Windows;
112 //  Constants.
113   const
114     kSizeHW  = 19;                 //  Only supported size of the control.
116   //  Rectangles for drawing routines.
117     kRectCtl : TRect = (           //  Coordinates of the control.
118       Left   : 0;
119       Top    : 0;
120       Right  : kSizeHW;
121       Bottom : kSizeHW);
123     kRectBG  : TRect = (           //  Coordinates of checkbox (background) area.
124       Left   : 5;
125       Top    : 5;
126       Right  : kSizeHW - 5;
127       Bottom : kSizeHW - 5);
129     kRectFrI : TRect = (           //  Coordinates of inner frame.
130       Left   : 4;
131       Top    : 4;
132       Right  : kSizeHW - 4;
133       Bottom : kSizeHW - 4);
135     kRectFrO : TRect = (           //  Coordinates of outer frame.
136       Left   : 3;
137       Top    : 3;
138       Right  : kSizeHW - 3;
139       Bottom : kSizeHW - 3);
141   //  Polylines for drawing routines.
142     kLines : array [0 .. 2] of array [0 .. 2] of TPoint = (
143       ((X :  6; Y :  8), (X :  8; Y : 10), (X : 13; Y :  5)),
144       ((X :  6; Y :  9), (X :  8; Y : 11), (X : 13; Y :  6)),
145       ((X :  6; Y : 10), (X :  8; Y : 12), (X : 13; Y :  7)));
147 //  Constructor.
148   constructor TSimpleCheckBox.Create (pOwner : TComponent);
149     begin
150   //  Initialise the base control.
151       inherited Create (pOwner);
152   //  Set up required properties.
153       Height  := kSizeHW;
154       Width   := kSizeHW;
155       TabStop := true
156     end;
158 //  Write access method for Checked property.
159   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.mhSetChecked (const pChecked : boolean);
160     begin
161   //  If the state is changing, then:
162       if (pChecked <> iChecked) then
163         begin
164   //   - Set the new value.
165           iChecked := pChecked;
166   //   - Call the change event, if required.
167           if Assigned (iChange) then
168             iChange (Self);
169   //   - Force the control to be repainted.
170           Invalidate ()
171         end
172     end;
174 //  Read access method for Height and Width properties.
175   function TSimpleCheckBox.mhGetSizeHW () : integer;
176     begin
177   //  Return the constant value.
178       Result := kSizeHW
179     end;
181 //  Repaint the control.
182   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.Paint ();
183     var
184       wRect : TRect;
185       Ix    : integer;
186     begin
187       with Canvas do
188         begin
189   //  Fill the entire control with the background colour.
190           Brush.Color := Color;
191           FillRect (kRectCtl);
192   //  Paint the inner rectangle using the default window colour (unless the
193   //  user is currently clicking the mouse or pressing the space bar).
194           if not (iEventM or iEventK) then
195             begin
196               Brush.Color := clWindow;
197               FillRect (kRectBG)
198             end;
199   //  If the checkbox should be checked, then draw the tick mark (this is
200   //  drawn using lines, rather than a bitmap).
201           if iChecked then
202             begin
203               Pen.Color := clWindowText;
204               for Ix := Low (kLines) to High (kLines) do
205                 Polyline (kLines [Ix]);
206             end;
207   //  The three-dimensional frame is two pixels wide, and is drawn in two
208   //  stages.  First draw the inner square in the appropriate colours.
209           wRect := kRectFrI;
210           Frame3D (Canvas,
211                    wRect,
212                    clBtnShadow,
213                    cl3DLight,
214                    1);
215   //  Secondly, draw the outer square with the other colours.
216           wRect := kRectFrO;
217           Frame3D (Canvas,
218                    wRect,
219                    cl3DDkShadow,
220                    clBtnHighlight,
221                    1);
222   //  Finally, draw the focus indicator, if the control has focus.
223           if Focused () then
224             DrawFocusRect (kRectCtl)
225         end
226     end;
228 //  Control enter event.
229   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.DoEnter ();
230     begin
231   //  Force the control to be repainted (which will add the focus rectangle).
232       Invalidate ();
233   //  Call the ancestor method and any event handler.
234       inherited DoEnter ()
235     end;
237 //  Control exit event.
238   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.DoExit ();
239     begin
240   //  Force the control to be repainted (to remove the focus rectangle).
241       Invalidate ();
242   //  Call the ancestor method and any event handler.
243       inherited DoExit ()
244     end;
246 //  Key down event.
247   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.KeyDown (var pKey   : word;
248                                          pShift : TShiftState);
249     begin
250   //  Respond to the space key (with any other button).
251       iEventK := pKey = VK_SPACE;
252   //  If this is the key, then force the control to be repainted (which will
253   //  be done in the background colour).
254       if iEventK then
255         Invalidate ();
256   //  Call the ancestor method and any event handler.
257       inherited KeyDown (pKey,
258                          pShift)
259     end;
261 //  Key up event.
262   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.KeyUp (var pKey   : word;
263                                        pShift : TShiftState);
264     begin
265   //  If a space key was detected ...
266       if iEventK then
267         begin
268   //   ... then toggle the state.
269           iChecked := not iChecked;
270   //  Call the change event, if required.
271           if Assigned (iChange) then
272             iChange (Self);
273   //  Reset the indicator ...
274           iEventK  := false;
275   //   ... and force the control to be repainted.
276           Invalidate ()
277         end;
278   //  Call the ancestor method and any event handler.
279       inherited KeyUp (pKey,
280                        pShift)
281     end;
283 //  Mouse button down event.
284   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.MouseDown (pButton : TMouseButton;
285                                        pShift  : TShiftState;
286                                        pX      : integer;
287                                        pY      : integer);
288     begin
289   //  Only left mouse button events are processed.
290       if pButton = mbLeft then
291         begin
292   //  Set focus to the control.
293           SetFocus ();
294   //  Note whether the click is within the inner rectangle.
295           iEventM := PtInRect (kRectBg, Point (pX, pY));
296   //  Force the control to be repainted.
297           Invalidate ()
298         end;
299   //  Call the ancestor method and any event handler.
300       inherited MouseDown (pButton,
301                            pShift,
302                            pX,
303                            pY)
304     end;
306 //  Mouse button up event.
307   procedure TSimpleCheckBox.MouseUp (pButton : TMouseButton;
308                                      pShift  : TShiftState;
309                                      pX      : integer;
310                                      pY      : integer);
311     begin
312   //  If the left mouse button was clicked within the checkbox:
313       if iEventM then
314         begin
315   //   - Reset the flag.
316           iEventM := false;
317   //   - If the pointer is still (or again) within the checkbox then toggle
318   //     the state ...
319           if (pButton = mbLeft) and PtInRect (kRectBg, Point (pX, pY)) then
320             begin
321               iChecked := not iChecked;
322   //       ... and call the change event.
323               if Assigned (iChange) then
324                 iChange (Self)
325             end;
326   //   - Force the control to be repainted.
327           Invalidate ()
328         end;
329   //  Call the ancestor method and any event handler.
330       inherited MouseUp (pButton,
331                          pShift,
332                          pX,
333                          pY)
334     end;
336 //  Component registration procedure.
337   procedure register;
338     begin
339       RegisterComponents ('AS',
340                           [TSimpleCheckBox]);
341     end;
343 end.
345 {
346   The most noticeable difference between this class and the standard checkbox is
347   in the events.  For this class, changes to the check status are notified using
348   the OnChange event, rather than OnClick.
350   Another difference is the absence of the AllowGrayed property.  This should be
351   fairly easy to add, but there was no requirement in this particular project.
352 }

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