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How to save / load a font information in INI/text-file Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Mike Shkolnik

How can I save/restore the TFont-object in INI and/or text file?


Sometimes you need to save/to load a font information in INI-file, Registry or some 
text file. 

Now I desribe the some different methods. 

1. very easy but not result isn't compact and effective (by data storage) 
2   procedure SaveFont(FStream: TIniFile; Section: string; smFont: TFont);
3   begin
4     FStream.WriteString(Section, Ident + 'Name', smFont.Name);
5     FStream.WriteInteger(Section, Ident + 'CharSet', smFont.CharSet);
6     FStream.WriteInteger(Section, Ident + 'Color', smFont.Color);
7     FStream.WriteInteger(Section, Ident + 'Size', smFont.Size);
8     FStream.WriteInteger(Section, Ident + 'Style', Byte(smFont.Style));
9   end;
11  procedure LoadFont(FStream: TIniFile; Section: string; smFont: TFont);
12  begin
13    smFont.Name := FStream.ReadString(Section, Ident + 'Name', smFont.Name);
14    smFont.CharSet := TFontCharSet(FStream.ReadInteger(Section, Ident + 'CharSet',
15      smFont.CharSet));
16    smFont.Color := TColor(FStream.ReadInteger(Section, Ident + 'Color', 
17  smFont.Color));
18    smFont.Size := FStream.ReadInteger(Section, Ident + 'Size', smFont.Size);
19    smFont.Style := TFontStyles(Byte(FStream.ReadInteger(Section, Ident + 'Style',
20      Byte(smFont.Style))));
21  end;

2. more hardly than first method, but result is compact. I use this method in all 
own apps. 
23  procedure SaveFont(FStream: TIniFile; Section: string; smFont: TFont);
24  begin
25    FStream.WriteString(Section, 'Font', smFont.Name + ',' +
26      IntToStr(smFont.CharSet) + ',' +
27      IntToStr(smFont.Color) + ',' +
28      IntToStr(smFont.Size) + ',' +
29      IntToStr(Byte(smFont.Style)));
30  end;
32  procedure LoadFont(FStream: TIniFile; Section: string; smFont: TFont);
33  var
34    s, Data: string;
35    i: Integer;
36  begin
37    s := FStream.ReadString(Section, 'Font', ',,,,');
38    try
39      i := Pos(',', s);
40      if i > 0 then
41      begin
42        {Name}
43        Data := Trim(Copy(s, 1, i - 1));
44        if Data <> '' then
45          smFont.Name := Data;
46        Delete(s, 1, i);
47        i := Pos(',', s);
48        if i > 0 then
49        begin
50          {CharSet}
51          Data := Trim(Copy(s, 1, i - 1));
52          if Data <> '' then
53            smFont.Charset := TFontCharSet(StrToIntDef(Data, smFont.Charset));
54          Delete(s, 1, i);
55          i := Pos(',', s);
56          if i > 0 then
57          begin
58            {Color}
59            Data := Trim(Copy(s, 1, i - 1));
60            if Data <> '' then
61              smFont.Color := TColor(StrToIntDef(Data, smFont.Color));
62            Delete(s, 1, i);
63            i := Pos(',', s);
64            if i > 0 then
65            begin
66              {Size}
67              Data := Trim(Copy(s, 1, i - 1));
68              if Data <> '' then
69                smFont.Size := StrToIntDef(Data, smFont.Size);
70              Delete(s, 1, i);
71              {Style}
72              Data := Trim(s);
73              if Data <> '' then
74                smFont.Style := TFontStyles(Byte(StrToIntDef(Data,
75                  Byte(smFont.Style))));
76            end
77          end
78        end
79      end;
80    except
81    end;
82  end;

3. as alternative for 1&2 methods I can offer the third - you can create a temporary stream, save the wished font component in this stream (Stream.SaveComponent) and then you can navigate the byte-by-byte in stream, to convert each byte into hex (or some other radix) and save into your text file as string. Each byte is a two symbols for hex radix. For font reading - on the contrary... 

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