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How to make move your forms like WinAMP Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 4.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Christian Cristofori

The form remember on what side you put it and returns there when Windows Taskbar is 
moved!!! Try it out: full source code.


1   unit frmSplashUnit;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes,
7     Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
8     ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons,
9     Menus, ImgList;
11  const
12    MagneticField = 10;
14  type
15    TAlignSide1 = (fasNone, fasTop, fasBottom, fasRight, fasLeft);
16    TAlignSide = set of TAlignSide1;
17    TfrmSplash =
18      class(TForm)
19      bvlForm: TBevel;
20      lblAction: TLabel;
21      lblFile: TLabel;
22      bvlTitle: TBevel;
23      imgTitle: TImage;
24      lblProgress: TLabel;
25      pbProgress: TProgressBar;
26      bvlLine: TBevel;
27      cmdCancel: TSpeedButton;
28      popSystemMenu: TPopupMenu;
29      mnuRestore: TMenuItem;
30      mnuMove: TMenuItem;
31      mnuSize: TMenuItem;
32      mnuMinimize: TMenuItem;
33      mnuMaximize: TMenuItem;
34      mnuBar1: TMenuItem;
35      mnuClose: TMenuItem;
36      ilSystemMenu: TImageList;
37      mnuBar2: TMenuItem;
38      mnuAbout: TMenuItem;
39      cmdAbout: TSpeedButton;
40      procedure imgTitleMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
41        TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
42      procedure imgTitleMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
43        TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
44      procedure imgTitleMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
45      procedure ClientAreaVerify(var Msg: TWMSettingChange); message WM_SETTINGCHANGE;
46      procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
47      procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
48      procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
49    private
50    public
51      FSide: TAlignSide;
52      FMoving: Boolean;
53      FOldX: Integer;
54      FOldY: Integer;
55      FArea: TRect;
56    end;
58  var
59    frmSplash: TfrmSplash;
61  implementation
63  {$R *.DFM}
65  procedure TfrmSplash.imgTitleMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
66    TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
67  begin
68    FMoving := True;
69    FOldX := X;
70    FOldY := Y;
71  end;
73  procedure TfrmSplash.imgTitleMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
74    TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
75  begin
76    FMoving := False;
77  end;
79  procedure TfrmSplash.imgTitleMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
80    Integer);
81  var
82    WorkArea: TRect;
83  begin
84    if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @WorkArea, 0)) then
85      FArea := WorkArea;
86    if (FMoving) then
87    begin
88      FSide := [fasNone];
89      if (((frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X)) > (WorkArea.Left + MagneticField)) and
90        ((frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X) + frmSplash.Width) < (WorkArea.Right -
91        MagneticField))) then
92        frmSplash.Left := frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X)
93      else if ((frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X)) <= (WorkArea.Left + MagneticField)) then
94      begin
95        frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Left;
96        FSide := FSide + [fasLeft];
97      end
98      else
99      begin
100       frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Right - frmSplash.Width;
101       FSide := FSide + [fasRight];
102     end;
103     if (((frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y)) > (WorkArea.Top + MagneticField)) and
104       ((frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y) + frmSplash.Height) < (WorkArea.Bottom -
105       MagneticField))) then
106     begin
107       frmSplash.Top := frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y);
108       FSide := [fasNone];
109     end
110     else if ((frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y)) <= (WorkArea.Top + MagneticField)) then
111     begin
112       frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Top;
113       FSide := FSide + [fasTop];
114     end
115     else
116     begin
117       frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Bottom - frmSplash.Height;
118       FSide := FSide + [fasBottom];
119     end;
120     // Removes [fasNone] if anything else is found in FSide.
121     if (((fasBottom in FSide) or (fasTop in FSide) or (fasLeft in FSide) or 
122 (fasRight
123       in FSide)) and (fasNone in FSide)) then
124       FSide := FSide - [fasNone];
125   end;
126 end;
128 procedure TfrmSplash.ClientAreaVerify(var Msg: TWMSettingChange);
129 var
130   WorkArea: TRect;
131 begin
132   if (not (FMoving)) then
133     if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @WorkArea, 0)) then
134     begin
135       if (fasLeft in FSide) then
136         frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Left;
137       if (fasRight in FSide) then
138         frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Right - frmSplash.Width;
139       if (fasTop in FSide) then
140         frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Top;
141       if (fasBottom in FSide) then
142         frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Bottom - frmSplash.Height;
143     end;
144 end;
146 procedure TfrmSplash.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
147 begin
148   // TO DO: Check if form is on one of the corners.
149   FSide := [fasNone];
150   FMoving := False;
151 end;
153 procedure TfrmSplash.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
154 begin
155   Application.Terminate;
156 end;
158 procedure TfrmSplash.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
159 begin
160   imgTitle.Width := bvlTitle.Width;
161   bvlLine.Width := frmSplash.Width - (2 * bvlLine.Left);
162   pbProgress.Width := frmSplash.Width - pbProgress.Left - bvlLine.Left;
163   cmdCancel.Left := frmSplash.Width - cmdCancel.Width - cmdAbout.Left;
164   cmdAbout.Top := frmSplash.Height - cmdAbout.Height - cmdAbout.Left;
165   cmdCancel.Top := cmdAbout.Top;
166   bvlLine.Top := cmdAbout.Top - bvlLine.Height;
167 end;
169 end.

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