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How to prevent the use of the listview's popup menu in a TOpenDialog Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

Using the TOpenDialog and TSaveDialog components you get the standard Windows 
dialog boxes including the ability to create/ delete files or folders. Is it 
possible to block the create/ delete options?


Well, few things are really impossible if you try hard enough, but this is at least 
somewhat difficult. The common dialog API has no facility to do this, the dialogs 
simply use the same listview class Explorer also uses, so it has all the same 
functionality. So to block these functions one would have to subclass (the API way) 
the listview control (to block right mouse clicks and the offending keyboard 
messages as well as WM_CONTEXTMENU). One could do that in the dialogs OnShow event. 
The problem is finding the handle of the listview, these Explorer-style dialogs 
have an utterly weird internal window hierarchy. And the listview in question has 
not been created yet when the OnShow event fires (go figure). So you have to post a 
user message to the form from the OnShow event and do the subclassing in that 
messages handler.

Here is a quick sketch of a modified opendialog class that prevents the use of the 
listviews popup menu. For some reason it is not possible to trap the DEL key press 
on the listview level, so if you want to also trap that, and perhaps even the 
editing of filenames, you will also need to subclass the shellview, which is the 
parent of the listview, and look for WM_NOTIFY messages from the listview there.

1   { ...}
2   type
3     TSafeOpenDialog = class(Dialogs.TOpenDialog)
4     private
5       FOldListviewProc: Pointer;
6       FListviewMethodInstance: Pointer;
7       FLIstview: HWND;
8       procedure WMApp(var msg: TMessage); message WM_APP;
9     protected
10      procedure DoShow; override;
11      procedure ListviewWndProc(var msg: TMessage);
12    public
13      destructor Destroy; override;
14    end;
16  destructor TSafeOpenDialog.Destroy;
17  begin
18    inherited;
19    if Assigned(FListviewMethodInstance) then
20      FreeObjectInstance(FListviewMethodInstance);
21  end;
23  procedure TSafeOpenDialog.DoShow;
24  begin
25    inherited;
26    PostMessage(handle, WM_APP, 0, 0);
27  end;
29  procedure TSafeOpenDialog.ListviewWndProc(var msg: TMessage);
30  begin
31    msg.result := 0;
32    case msg.Msg of
34        Exit;
35    end;
36    msg.result := CallWindowProc(FOldListviewProc, FLIstview, msg.Msg,
37      msg.WParam, msg.LParam);
38  end;
40  procedure TSafeOpenDialog.WMApp(var msg: TMEssage);
41  begin
42    FListviewMethodInstance := MakeObjectInstance(ListviewWndProc);
43    FListview := FindWindowEx(Windows.GetParent(handle), 0, 'SHELLDLL_DefView', nil);
44    if FListview <> 0 then
45    begin
46      FListview := GetWindow(FListview, GW_CHILD);
47      if FListview <> 0 then
48        FOldListviewProc := Pointer(SetWindowLong(FListview, GWL_WNDPROC,
49          Integer(FListviewMethodInstance)))
50      else
51        OutputDebugString('Listview not found');
52    end
53    else
54      OutputDebugString('Shell view not found');
55  end;

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